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Blog Posts
16 people die in Ohio accidents over Thanksgiving
2 common construction site violations that oftenn lead to death
2 dead in head-on Ohio collision
2017 starting off deadly on Ohio roads
3 common causes of motorcycle accidents
3 common head injuries after a car accident
3 factors that determine a pain and suffering settlement
3 fundamental tips for winter driving in Ohio
3 hazards to avoid on the construction site
3 important pieces of protective equipment in construction
3 leading causes of commercial truck accidents
3 leading causes of construction-worker fatalities
3 organizational factors that breed sexual harassment
3 steps to take after a hit-and-run accident
3 steps to take after getting fired for whistleblowing
3 tips for reducing your auto insurance rate after a crash
3 ways an employer may violate your rights
3 ways employers may discriminate against pregnant workers
3-vehicle crash in Ohio leaves one dead
4 forms of workplace disability discrimination
4 mistakes to avoid immediately after a car accident
4 pieces of evidence to support a sexual harassment claim
5 forms of pregnancy discrimination
5 subtle signs of sexual harassment
5 things you should do after a motorcycle accident
A drunk driving accident can alter a life forever
A motorcycle ride and how you can best protect yourself
A third of Americans admit driving drowsy. What can be done?
Accidents involving uninsured drivers
All about car accidents and amputations
Am I eligible for FMLA if I work from home?
Amusement park injury linked to operator error
Analyzing the “one bite free” rule
Are cat bites dangerous?
Are distracted driving fatality statistics be too low?
As red-light cameras decline, traffic deaths increase
Auto safety pioneer criticizes stalled federal safety testing
Be smart and safe: Concussions
Bedsore risks for nursing home residents
Boating accidents cause catastrophic injuries
Boy's skull fractured following physical assault
Brain injury is associated with serious medical conditions
Brain injury outcomes are not predictable
Broken ride at Ohio State Fair highlights amusement park dangers
Burn attacks: more than disfigurement
Burn Awareness Week kicks off Monday, February 5
Burn injuries in accidents
Burn injury severity
Can I lose my job for taking an FMLA leave?
Can medication physically harm you?
Can negligence toward motorcyclists cause crashes?
Can new mothers have extra breaks at work to collect breast milk?
Can spinal injuries worsen over time?
Can you prevent backover accidents on construction sites?
Can you sue your employer instead of filing for workers' comp?
Car accidents sometimes lead to limb amputations
Car crashes often lead to actionable legal claims
Car hits gas truck, causing fire
Car insurance claim mistakes that could cost you
Car Insurance Claims: Mistakes to avoid
Catastrophic vehicle accidents on defective Ohio roadways
Children most at risk from distracted driving near school
City deemed liable for uneven sidewalk
Common causes of construction site accidents
Common causes of electrical fires
Common mistakes after a personal injury accident
Common reasons for pedestrian accidents
Common types of collisions and how to avoid them
Construction industry tackles mental illness to keep workers safe
Construction site brain injuries: What you should know
Construction workers and traumatic brain injury
Construction workers at high risk for elevator accidents
Construction: an inevitably dangerous industry
Contributing factors in electrical fires
Convertible rolls over on Ohio interstate
Criminal sentence set for drunk and high driver
Damages caused by distracted driving approaching costs of DUI
Dealing with insurers after an accident
Death at North Huntingdon storage yard
Defining the attractive nuisance doctrine
Detailing the dangers of falls
Detailing the Glasgow Coma Scale
Distracted driver risk goes up with new safety systems
Distracted driving could be deadly
Distracted driving not always manual
Do brain injuries have lasting impacts?
Do people really trust autonomous vehicles?
Do we live in a highly litigious society?
Do you know the warning signs of dangerous lead paint in a home?
Do you need to worry about winter accidents in construction?
Does your injury qualify for a lawsuit in Cincinnati?
Does your religion affect your chance for promotion?
Dog not seized or euthanized after attacking boy
Don't give teens the keys until they are ready to drive
Driver kills two, alcohol suspected
Drivers need to be aware of children going back to school
Drivers use phones for more than talking
Driving on fewer than 6 hours of sleep can be deadly
Drowsy driving can lead to accidents
Drugged, drunk trucker kills one
Drunk driving crashes: risk factors
Electrical hazards at construction sites
Even a minor car crash could cause a serious head injury
Evidence supports Ohio law enforcers' focus on Move Over law
Fall hazards a continued threat for Construction workers
Falls the leading cause of fatal injury among older adults
FAQ: Construction zone injuries
Fiery crash on Interstate 65 injures 2, kills 1
Filing A Wrongful Death Claim In Ohio
FMLA and termination: Did I really run out of time or is my employer wrong?
Four people taken to hospital after rear-end accident
Four vehicles involved in fatal crash on I-77
Fundamentally different: accidents involving big trucks
Graduated driving license may keep teens safe
Gross negligence was behind Verrückt water slide fatality
Hamilton County traffic fatalities on the rise
Has your child suffered a traumatic brain injury?
Have drivers learned from the world’s first auto crash?
Have you been bitten by a dog?
Head injuries can have a delayed onset
Hit by a texting driver? You may have a claim
Hit-and-run crash sends two to trauma center
Hitting the roads for Thanksgiving? Stay safe
Holiday Road Travel Safety Tips
How can a car crash affect your wages?
How can a hard hat protect me on the job?
How can crush injuries impact your future health?
How can you protect Halloween guests?
How could your scarring impact your life?
How dangerous is driving on a prescription?
How do authorities find someone after a hit-and-run accident?
How do injuries to the spine occur in a car crash?
How do most traumatic brain injuries occur?
How do you heal from a brain injury?
How do you keep people safe in above-ground pools?
How does burn depth relate to degree?
How does sexual harassment affect workers?
How driver-friendly is Ohio?
How new technology can help drivers avoid serious injury
How serious can whiplash end up being?
How teen drivers can avoid distraction on the road
How to avoid accidents when driving in winter
How to avoid drowsiness behind the wheel
How to avoid electrocution on a construction site
How to document a slip-and-fall case
How to get the most out of your auto accident claim
How to prevent road construction zone accidents and worker injury
How to protect constructions workers in trenches
How to prove your injuries after a car accident
How will I know if my child has a TBI?
Hurt in a multi-car accident? Which driver is liable?
If a driver slips on ice and causes a car accident, are they responsible for the damage?
If I worked over 40 hours, can my job deny my overtime pay?
Injuries may not be immediately obvious after a car accident
Is a diagnosis for CTE in living patients in the near future?
Is that other driver under the influence?
Is the road at fault for your crash?
Is your employer denying the leave you need under the FMLA?
Keep swimming a healthy and safe activity
Key facts about the new scooter craze
Key pointers for staying safe this holiday season: Part 1
Know the signs of an imminent dog attack
Know what to do when injured in an Uber
Labor Day driving safety tips
Let your attorney handle the hard work after a personal injury
Life after a lower back injury
Life after a serious injury
Life after a spinal cord injury
Life after a whiplash injury
Looking at fatal construction accident statistics
Lower gas prices equals more cars and trucks on the road
Lower your chances of getting into an accident
Man dies at Amazon construction site
Man falls off roof during routine inspection
Manufacturer knew baby powder contained cancer-causing substance
Many teens can't keep themselves from texting while driving
May is National Electrical Safety Month
Medical care is a must if you suspect a traumatic brain injury
Nerve damage you can receive in a car accident
New apps could help curb drunk driving
New cars may soon have alcohol detection systems
New Year's DUI realities in Ohio
NHTSA says traffic fatalities down in 2018
Ohio auto insurance and the impact on accident victims
Ohio doctor and hospital accused of 22 wrongful deaths
Ohio drivers get good news before the holiday travels
Ohio drunk driving laws may not be tough enough
Ohio excavator in OSHA's Severe Violation Enforcement Program
Ohio laws regarding bicycles and vehicles
Ohio violations not on record of driver who killed bikers
Ohio's approach to distracted driving
Ohio's workplace injury rates
Parents might be held liable for guns in children's reach
Pedestrian accidents in Ohio: A primer
Post-accident advice
Potential signs of internal injuries after a crash
Potentially impaired driver kills toddler and three adults
Premise liability categories to know
Premises liability for Airbnb hosts
Preschooler dies; second child injured in crash
Protecting workers from heat
Proving That An At-Fault Driver Was Texting And Distracted
Questions arise about fan safety after foul ball hits young child
Quid pro quo sexual harassment
Recognizing brain injury to a child after an auto accident
Recognizing the signs of a concussion
Recovering from a traumatic brain injury
Report highlights concern about construction deaths
Reporting gaps for nursing home abuse
Reviewing hazards in the construction industry
Risks associated with working on or near scaffolding
Saying sorry may damage your car accident claim
Securing legal help following a serious injury
Security measures nursing homes can take to protect patients
Self-driving cars and issues of crash liability
Several dangers you may find poolside
Sexual harassment is more than just verbal abuse
Should employers be required to provide pay stubs to employees?
Should FMLA be expanded to help parents after miscarriage or stillbirth?
Should I get paid for FMLA leave?
Should nurses receive compensation for work completed before and after their shift?
Should people trust autonomous cars?
Sitting At Work As An Accommodation For A Disability
Slips and falls are on the rise in central Ohio
Some car accident injuries do not appear immediately
Speeding teen driver kills one, injures two
Spoliation of evidence in a premise liability case
Spring forward to DST contributes to fatal car crashes
State representative arrested for drunk driving
Stay safe around motorcyclists
Stay safe on your road trip with these tips
Stop falls before they happen
Strict liability for attacks from dogs, vaccinated or not
Study associates opioids with some fatal two-car crashes
Study connects school start times with teen safety on the road
Study finds hands-free cell use does not stop distraction
Study ranks 15 states with most teen drunk drivers
Study shows phone use in car an ongoing problem
Summer safety focus: watching out for motorcyclists
Summertime is the most deadly season for car accidents
The 3 main types of distracted driving
The 30th anniversary of FMLA
The dangers of defective medical devices
The first step to a reduced drunk driving limit
The link between road construction and car wrecks
The other driver's policy can sometimes cover your medical care
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act protects women in the workplace
The psychological and emotional impact of brain injuries
The real dangers of speeding
The responsibilities of property owners to avoid slips-and-falls
The trouble with quality medical care
The ups and downs in car accidents trends in Ohio
Think whiplash is no big deal? Think again
Those other drivers are daydreaming, and it's very dangerous
Time change linked to more car crashes
Toxic airborne substances and construction work
Truck accident kills woman in passenger vehicle
Two men hit, one killed, by impaired driver
Two teens injured in rollover accident
Types of post-accident amputations
Understanding disability accommodations in the workplace
Understanding the different types of spinal cord injury
Victim of a dog bite? Here’s what you need to know.
Wet winter driving tips
What accidents can occur at the pool?
What are a business owner's responsibilities to you?
What are OSHA's ladder guidelines?
What are skin grafts?
What are some property hazards postal workers face?
What are the most dangerous roads in Cincinnati?
What are the reasons for amputation?
What Can I Do If I'm Targeted In A Road Rage Incident?
What conditions can contribute to slip-and-fall incidents?
What do you need to know about the Takata airbag recall?
What does an electrical shock do to the body?
What does it take to heal a severe injury?
What drivers should know about the Ohio Traffic Safety Council
What employees should know about FMLA
What happens when a construction accident harms the public?
What is a spinal cord injury?
What is involved in recovering after amputation?
What is phantom pain?
What is sexual harassment?
What is the central factor in a wrongful death case?
What is the importance of physical therapy?
What is the lifetime cost of a traumatic brain injury?
What is the Ohio Civil Rights Commission's sexual harassment complaint process?
What is the statute of limitations for personal injury cases?
What is whiplash?
What NOT to do after a car accident
What responsibilities do landlords have?
What serious injuries can result from airbags?
What should I do after a car accident?
What should you do after being rear-ended?
What should you know about back braces?
What to do after a bicycle accident in Ohio
What to do after a concussion
What to do after an accident with an uninsured driver
What to do when your Ohio auto insurance provider will not pay
What to know before seeking FMLA leave to support a family member
What types of head injuries are there?
What you need to know about whiplash
Who can take FMLA leave?
Who do I report sexual harassment to?
Who is at fault when you get hurt on public property?
Why are construction-zone accidents often complex affairs?
Why do bridges freeze before roads?
Why is a medical examination crucial after a car crash?
Why is distracted driving a huge issue?
Why you should not talk to the claims adjuster in your case
Will an accident increase my car insurance premium?
Will your auto insurance rates go up after an accident?
Winter safety on Ohio roads
Witness statements are important for car accident claims
Woman sues waterpark after falling off display
Work-related injuries and workers' rights
Worker killed by truck backing up
Wrong way driver kills woman in Beavercreek
Your senses can protect you on a dangerous construction site