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Key pointers for staying safe this holiday season: Part 1

On Behalf of | Nov 13, 2018 | Firm News |

With the holiday season fast approaching, your to-do list is likely long. While your mind is on meal planning and gift giving, the holidays also present many hazards including those on the road and in your home.

During the holiday season and winter months, the number of both car accidents and home fires tend to spike. In the coming months, as you travel to spend time with loved ones and rely on additional heating sources like portable heaters, it’s important to take steps to prevent accidents and remain safe.

Fire prevention 101

Each winter, the number of residential fires spikes and many of these fires could be prevented. Anyone injured in incidents that occur due to faulty building maintenance and negligent landlords is eligible for compensation for injuries and associated expenses. Also, surviving family members of anyone who dies in apartment fires, car accidents and other unfortunate events where negligence is a factor may file a personal injury claim on behalf of their lost relative(s).

  • Do not leave candles or fires in the hearth unattended
  • Use electrical cords responsibly
  • Do not overload electrical sockets
  • Keep kids and pets away from fireplaces, stoves and dangerous appliances
  • Keep live Christmas trees properly hydrated
  • Do not leave holiday decorations or lights on overnight or when you are away
  • Establish a fire emergency plan, and review it with your family often to ensure they know what to do

Car accident prevention 101
Regardless of where your holiday road trip plans take you, keep these safety tips in mind.

  • Do not consume alcohol before driving. If you do, do not drive, use public transportation or call a sober friend or a ride share.
  • Always wear your seatbelt. You never know when an accident may happen and people who wear their seatbelts often survive motor vehicle collisions. Injuries do still occur, but they are usually less severe and life-threatening than if no seats belts are worn.
  • Avoid distractions such as cellphones while driving and keep your eyes and focus on the road.
  • Allow yourself extra travel time so you do not feel the need to speed and can arrive at your destination safely.
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