The whole purpose of paying for auto insurance is to have financial protection when you get into an accident. It is more affordable to pay a monthly premium than to pay large bills all at once out of pocket. That is the job of your provider in return for being a faithfully paying client.
What do you do when you get into an accident and report it to the insurance company, but your insurer will not pay the expenses covered in your policy? Or what if the company denies your claim altogether?
Bad faith insurance
Such behavior is known as bad faith insurance and can come in many forms. One of the most common is failure to pay. Your claim may be completely valid, yet your provider will not pay you what is due. Alternatively, the insurance provider may deny your claim, insisting it is not valid based on some minor detail or vague policy wording, even though your claim is valid. Other examples include:
- Promising to pay but continually delaying payment
- Failing to investigate your accident
- Offering a lower settlement than is due
- Changing or canceling your policy without your notification or consent
- Requiring more documentation and evidence than is necessary
- Ignoring your claim
- Harassing you
These are only a few of a long list of unethical and illegal practices an insurer may use against you.
Fighting back
You do not have to put up with such treatment from the company that is supposed to be providing you with protection and security. Neither should you settle for less money than is rightfully yours. If you are experiencing any of the above behaviors, you should speak immediately to an Ohio personal injury attorney experienced with bad faith insurance cases. A lawyer can help you hold the auto insurer responsible for its actions and legal duty to pay for the financial consequences of your car accident.