With Halloween right around the corner, you may be busy making plans for parties and trick-or-treating in your Ohio neighborhood. However, accidents can easily happen, so it is important to make sure your home and yard are safe for guests
Many people will likely walk in your yard on Halloween. The Zebra says you should usually walk through your front and side yards so you can identify potential hazards. If you have been doing yard work, you should make sure all of these tools are in your garage or your shed so no one trips on them in the dark. If there is a deep dip in your grass, you may want to put up a well-lit warning sign so people know to watch their step. If you decorate your yard, it is a good idea to make sure you have enough lighting so people can see these decorations as they cross your yard.
Many people may use your front walkway to approach your house. This walkway should have enough light for people to see where they are going. You may want to create a spooky atmosphere by using candles to illuminate the driveway and front walkway. However, some costumes may be flammable, so you may want to use electric candles to keep everyone safe. It is also a good idea to make sure your porch steps are well-lit so trick-or-treaters and party guests do not trip.
If you host a Halloween party, it is important to make sure people are safe inside your home as well. If you decide to include a pumpkin carving contest, make sure you have the right tools. Guests may be more likely to accidentally cut themselves if they use knives to carve pumpkins. Additionally, you may want to serve alcohol at a Halloween party. Because there are so many people on the streets trick-or-treating, someone could get hurt if one of your party guests drinks too much and then drives home. You may want to make sure everyone has a designated driver or line up taxis so all of your guests can get home safely.
This information is general in nature and should not be used in place of legal advice.