The term “wrongful death” in a legal sense refers to the loss of a loved one – a parent, spouse or child – that is linked with third-party culpability.That means this: The careless act or omission of another person or multiple parties was a...
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Wrongful Death
Ohio doctor and hospital accused of 22 wrongful deaths
A doctor who worked from 2008 to 2013 as a resident in Ohio's Cleveland Clinic is under suspicion of causing wrongful patient deaths. The doctor, most recently employed by the Mount Carmel Health System located in Columbus, is under investigation by both hospital...
3 leading causes of construction-worker fatalities
It is no secret that being a construction worker is hard work. Not only is this a physically taxing job that requires skill, but it also comes with a lot of risks. Those in the construction industry face a variety of hazards that can cause serious injuries and even...
Filing A Wrongful Death Claim In Ohio
The loss of a loved one is always a difficult and painful reality to bear. But a loved one's death is even more tragic when you believe that someone else was responsible. If you believe that negligence was a factor in your spouse's, parent's or child's death, it's...