Everyone should be aware of different forms of harassment, including quid pro quo sexual harassment.
It is important to recognize the signs of quid pro quo sexual harassment and know how to respond if you or someone you know experiences it.
Identifying quid pro quo sexual harassment
From 2018 to 2021 people reported 98,411 sexual harassment complaints, and 5,581 individuals received sexual harassment charges. One key aspect of quid pro quo sexual harassment is the unequal power dynamic between the harasser and the person undergoing harassment. The harasser typically holds authority over the other individuals, whether a supervisor, manager, teacher or another figure in a position of power. This person may use this authority to pressure other individuals into engaging in unwanted sexual activity or to create a hostile environment.
Examples of quid pro quo sexual harassment
Quid pro quo sexual harassment can take many forms and be implicit or explicit. For example, a supervisor might suggest that an employee will receive a promotion or favorable treatment in exchange for going on a date or engaging in sexual activity. In an educational setting, a teacher might imply that a student’s grades will improve if they comply with sexual advances.
Responding to quid pro quo sexual harassment
If you experience or witness quid pro quo sexual harassment, take action. Document the incidents, including dates, times and any witnesses present. Speak with a trusted adult, human resources, a counselor or a family member, about your experiences. They can offer support and guide you in your next step, including reporting it to a higher authority or seeking outside assistance.
No matter what type of sexual harassment is present, it is illegal. These situations can be incredibly distressing for others and can have long-lasting effects on their well-being.