When you visit the premises of an Ohio business, the owner of the business owes you a duty of care. In other words, it is the responsibility of the business owner to warn you of any potential hazards and to keep you safe to the extent possible. When a business owner fails in his or her duty to you, and you become injured as a result, you may have grounds for a lawsuit to seek compensation.
Needless to say, a business owner’s duty of care involves trying to prevent slip-and-fall accidents from occurring. However, according to Forbes, premises liability extends well beyond slip-and-fall accidents. For example, you could hold the business owner liable if you become injured due to an item of merchandise sold in a store. You could also sue the owner for an injury due to the malfunction or careless operation of a piece of equipment on the property. An assault by an employee or another visitor could also be grounds for a premises liability suit against the business owner.
Sometimes the owner of the business is not the owner of the building. It is common for business owners to rent commercial buildings or office space. If that is the case, you may wonder whether it is the owner of the business or of the building who is liable for injuries. In some cases, it may be both. In many cases, however, a business owner who rents commercial premises must agree to assume liability in case of accidents as part of the rental agreement.
The information in this article is not intended as legal advice but provided for educational purposes only.