Concerned about the continuing menace of traffic accidents in Ohio, the state government has formed a committee. Gov. Mike DeWine has announced the creation of the Ohio Traffic Safety Council, a group of experts and activists from across the spectrum of groups concerned with the problem.
As the government announced in a press release, the council will “coordinate and monitor” every traffic safety initiative that goes on in Ohio. They will also keep track of car accident trends and advise the governor on making the roads and highways safer. The council’s work will emphasize four e’s: education, (law) enforcement, engineering and emergency response.
Council members represent several organizations and government agencies, including:
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- Ohio Railroad Association
- American College of Emergency Physicians
- Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD)
- Ohio Trucking Association
- Students Against Destructive Decisions
- Ohio Department of Education
- County Engineers Association
- Ohio Department of Insurance
- Ohio Township Association
- Ohio State Highway Patrol
- Ohio Turnpike Commission
- Ohio Department of Health
- Traffic Safety Advocate
- Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police
- Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association
- The Ohio State University – Risk Institute
- American Automobile Association (AAA)
- Ohio Bicycle Federation
- Family Career and Community Leaders for America
- Ohio Department of Public Safety
- Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
The council members represent commuters, truckers, bicyclists, insurance companies, police, and state government. Each of these parties has an interest in reducing injuries suffered in auto accidents for various reasons. Some of them have a financial stake in promoting driver safety. Others have made it their job to prevent serious car crashes as much as possible.
For the rest of us, it’s personal. Either we want everything possible done to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe on the roads, or we have experienced the effects that a negligent driver can cause a family to suffer.
Prevention and compensation
Actions like distracted driving, drunk driving, speeding and running red lights are already against the law in Ohio. Anything else that would encourage drivers to act more responsibly is welcome. But until bad drivers are no longer a threat in the Cincinnati area, victims of serious injuries will need to go to court to protect their financial interests.