Sometimes car accidents are more than just fender benders and cause much more severe injuries. If you are in a catastrophic auto crash, you may suffer from the loss of a limb. An amputation injury has serious implications for the rest of your life.
There are dramatic physical, emotional and financial consequences of such an injury. Here is a look at how amputations occur and what your life may look like after you lose a limb or more.
Traumatic car accident amputations
Motor vehicle accidents may result in the sudden loss of a limb. This may be a partial or complete injury. For example, your whole hand or only some of your fingers may get cut off during a severe collision.
Surgical amputations
Other times, a car wreck may damage a limb so badly that it requires surgery to have it removed later. For example, if a head-on collision crushes your legs, a surgeon may need to remove them depending on the severity of the injury. Surgical amputations are oftenn necessary to save lives and prevent infections from spreading.
Recovery and treatment
Amputations are serious injuries and procedures. Healing and learning how to live without a limb is difficult, but it is possible. According to WebMD, the amputation wound should heal in one to two months after surgery. Soon after surgery, you may undergo physical therapy. Long-term rehabilitation may also include exercises, emotional support and use of assistive devices or artificial limbs.
Adjusting to life without a limb can be a treacherous journey. Not only does it come with serious physical challenges, but it can take a toll on your emotional state. Additionally, phantom limb pain is a common experience. All of these things can significantly impact your ability to enjoy life. Thankfully, if a negligent driver caused your injury, you may be able to file a lawsuit to get compensation for your physical and emotional suffering.