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Serious Injuries

What are skin grafts?

Horrific injuries can do a lot of damage to the human skin. A deep burn can permanently destroy an area of your skin. A sizable open wound, or the aftermath of surgery that has gone wrong can also ravage the skin to the point you could permanently lose a layer of...

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What is phantom pain?

If you are an Ohio resident who has had a limb or other body part amputated, you may experience a bizarre phenomenon known as phantom pain. When you experience phantom pain, you feel a discomfort that seems to be coming from a body part that is no longer...

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Can spinal injuries worsen over time?

Ohio residents who have suffered from severe injury to the spine have a long road of recovery ahead of you. This road is full of ups and downs. Even if it's possible to recover from spinal damage through physical therapy and potential surgeries, it's also possible for...

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Burn injury severity

A motor vehicle accident, a job-related incident and other situations may all find a person in Ohio facing a burn injury. Regardless of the original cause of a burn, appropriate medical care is important and so too is understanding the varying levels of severity that...

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