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Firm News

3 hazards to avoid on the construction site

Construction workers expend a great deal of energy in performing their jobs. The act of erecting a building around Cincinnati is no small feat and takes skilled professionals.A construction site is one of the most hazardous work environments. The rate of injury for...

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Bedsore risks for nursing home residents

Watching a parent grow older and more immobile can be difficult. So, too, can deciding to move your parent into a nursing home where he or she can get the level of care he or she needs to get by. Once your parent loses the ability to easily move about on his or...

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Premise liability categories to know

Accidents can lead to serious injuries and lasting problems. When another party's negligence causes those injuries, that party should pay for the injury, pain and suffering caused.Thankfully, a premise liability claim can aid in that process. The status of the...

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Ohio laws regarding bicycles and vehicles

As a bicyclist, you need to watch out for motorists at all times. You are at a disadvantage safety-wise due to the fact that you are not inside a 4,000-pound vehicle with numerous airbags. If a driver crashes into you, it can easily result in severe injuries or...

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