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Who can take FMLA leave?

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a crucial law that helps employees handle the health challenges that life sometimes throws our way. If you are want to take time away from work to care for your own health or the health of a family member, you should consider...

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What employees should know about FMLA

The Family and Medical Leave Act is a federal law that provides eligible employees with job-protected leave for specific family and medical reasons. Knowing the details of FMLA can empower employees to make informed decisions about their health and family needs....

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Am I eligible for FMLA if I work from home?

The Family and Medical Leave Act is an important provision that helps protect the work-life balance of many American workers. Under FMLA, certain employees can receive up to 12 weeks of unpaid, protected leave per year for specified family and medical reasons....

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The 30th anniversary of FMLA

February 5, 1993, remains an auspicious day. The date marks the passage of the Family and Medical Leave Act. Now three decades old, this landmark legislation helps millions of workers. Many could better recognize the positive impact that FMLA continues to have. All...

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Should I get paid for FMLA leave?

The Family and Medical Leave Act allows employees to take up to twelve weeks of job-protected leave per year for eligible circumstances. These include caring for one's own serious health condition or that of a close family member, caring for a child in the year...

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Can I lose my job for taking an FMLA leave?

Some eligible employees have second thoughts about the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). They may have pondered whether to take an unpaid leave from work but worry about the possible ramifications stemming from the leave. Mainly: Will I lose my job? Through the...

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